Site Licence and Foreign Site Reference Number Holders List

From Health Canada

The site licence holder list indicates sites that have been authorized to manufacture, package, label and/or import natural health products by Health Canada.

FSRNs are issued to sites outside of Canada which manufacture, package and/or label in accordance with the applicable sections of Part 3 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) of the Natural Health Products Regulations (NHPR). The intent of the FSRN is to eliminate the need for the foreign site is to provide the same GMP evidence multiple times to support each importer's site licence.

An FSRN is not equivalent to a site licence nor an authorization for direct export of NHPs into Canada.

We post the addresses in English or French, as submitted to us by applicants. This helps ensure accuracy and speed in providing this information to Canadians.

Licence/FSRN Status


The site licence holder has been authorized to manufacture, package, label and/or import natural health products by Health Canada. The Foreign site has been assessed and meets the applicable sections of Part 3 of the NHPR.


NNHPD has suspended the Site Licence as per section 39 of the NHPR.


The licence holder/FS holder has relinquished or not renewed its Site Licence or FSRN.


NNHPD has cancelled the Site Licence as per section 41 of the NHPR.


FSRN: Foreign site reference number

Related information

Site License Guidance Document

Good Manufacturing Practices Guidance Document

Contact us

For technical support or for general questions about the content of this database, please contact the Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) at

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